Sunday, December 15, is the day that we have designated as March for Missions Sunday. Our church’s goal for this combined mission’s offering is $165,000. Our prayer is that we would recognize the great value of God’s Kingdom and thus be willing to make sacrifices to see it expand and grow. Please join with your church family as we prepare ourselves for our worship gathering this Sunday.
Prayer Guide: Dec 15, 2019 – Matthew 13:31-33, 44-52
1. Praise and honor our great God who is the King of the Kingdom and the One who alone possesses all authority.
2. Ask God to help you prioritize Kingdom work as you live in a world of distractions.
3. Pray for grace to live lives for the glory of the One who laid down his life for us.
4. Plead with God to give us a heart for the lost – near and far. Ask God to continue to raise up missionaries amongst us and to increase our passion as a church to support missions and missionaries.
5. Pray for TBC’s Adult Choir and the presentation of The Carols of Christmas. Pray for any visitors – especially non-believers – who may be with us during this holiday season that they would hear the gospel and respond in faith and repentance.
6. Ask God to increase our faith in Him as we trust Him to provide for the financial needs of our church family.