Prayer Guide for Sunday, December 29

    Prayer Guide for Sunday, December 29

      SUNDAY WORSHIP - 8:30 & 11AM

      Prayer Guide for Sunday, December 29

      Posted By: Kelly Caldwell - 12/20/2024 12:04:07 PM

      Prayer Guide for Sunday, December 29

      1. Praise God for sending Jesus to be our perfect sacrifice.
      2. Ask God to give you the strength to diligently seek heavenly treasures and lay earthly treasures at the feet of Jesus.
      3. Pray that Christians across the world would not be apathetic in their faith.
      4. Pray that many who are lost would see their need for a savior and would worship Jesus as the true king.
      5. Pray for those who are experiencing the heartache that accompanies the loss of a loved one and that God would give them peace and rest.