Dear Church Family,
As many of you have seen on our website (, for at least the next three weeks our church will worship online via a livestream of our worship service, rather than gather physically to worship. You can access this livestream on our church’s website or through our church’s Facebook page (Sunday mornings at 10am). While this was a difficult decision, we believe that it is important to submit to the requests of our local government, as well as our president and other governmental agencies, in order to help stop the spread of the coronavirus, COVID-19.
Through much prayer and in consultation with our Ministry Staff and Church Council, we have cancelled all church programs, on campus meetings and gatherings, and other church sponsored activities at least through Saturday, April 11. While the situation concerning the coronavirus is ever changing, our prayer is that we will be able to physically gather for worship on Resurrection Sunday, April 12. We encourage you to visit the website regularly for additional information.
In the meantime, recall that in Peter’s first epistle, he reminds believers that the church is a living organism made up of living stones. He tells us that we are chosen and precious in God’s sight - living stones who are being built up as a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ (2:4-5). In other words, Peter is telling us who we are and what we are to do as followers of Christ. As God’s chosen and loved ones, we are to offer the spiritual sacrifices of praise and thanksgiving to our Great God.
As God’s people, Peter tells us that we have received mercy, that we no longer walk in the darkness of sin, but in the marvelous light of His presence (2:9-10). What a promise! What hope! This is hope that the world needs right now – and God calls us to proclaim His excellencies (2:10), to Proclaim Christ. I want to encourage you to engage in spiritual conversations with people. People are asking questions and expressing concern. You have opportunity to give comfort and hope.
Peter goes on remind us that we are sojourners and exiles (2:11). Since this world is not our home – since we are just passing through - our values and hopes must be different from the rest of the world. As followers of Jesus, we need to filter the news and the headlines through what we know to be true of our God. The things that drive this world crazy and cause widespread anxiety should create a different response in us. Because our God is in control, instead of worry, we should pray; Instead of judging, we should be merciful; Instead of hoarding, we should be generous; Instead of being fearful, we should walk by faith, keeping our conduct honorable before God and people, living in good deeds for the glory of God (2:12).
People are watching. People are looking for hope. Let’s do everything we can to point people to Jesus, the only sure foundation and only hope for this world. And by the way, as important as it is to physically gather for worship and encouragement, while we are unable to gather, notice that we don’t have to be gathered to offer spiritual sacrifice, to proclaim Christ to the world, to keep our hope in God, and to live in good deeds for His glory! We are the Church. Live as the Church!
Pressing On..
Pastor Nate