Stewardship During a Global Pandemic
As I sit down to write this letter, a few thoughts flood my mind. First, I am so grateful to God for His faithfulness to stir the hearts of our church members to be generous and faithful to give. In what has been a difficult year, our church has entered the final month of the year in a healthy financial position. While God has been gracious to our church, we continue to pray for a strong financial finish to the year to make budget and to meet our March for Missions Offering goal.
I have also been considering the concept of stewardship. Scripture is clear that all that we have belongs to God and that we are simply managers of what He entrusts to us. God calls us to steward the resources that He has entrusted to us for His glory. This is a humbling thought, especially during a global pandemic. Faithful stewardship may seem more challenging when facing society uncertainty, but it is what we are called to nonetheless.
On Sunday, December 13, we will hold our annual March for Missions Offering. While our collection of the offering will look different this year (we will not be marching collectively to place our offerings in baskets at the front of the Worship Center), the importance of this offering remains the same – all monies collected for March for Missions Offering will be used to support Southern Baptist Missionaries in Texas, North America, and around the world.
The goal for our March for Missions Offering is $175,000. If you are not able to join us for worship on Sunday, you can still contribute through January 31, 2021, through online giving accessed on our church’s website – (be sure to select the ‘missions’ option). You can also send your contribution to our church office through the United States Postal Service (1601 I 40 West, Amarillo, TX, 79109) or drop your contribution off at the church office. Please be sure to mark your contribution “March for Missions.”
I wonder, does $175,000 seem like too lofty of a goal to you during a global pandemic? If I am honest, I have wondered about this myself. However, I am confident that if each member of Trinity Baptist Church faithfully stewards the resources that God has entrusted to us, He will be pleased with whatever amount is given to the March for Missions Offering.
So, as you consider both a year end contribution to the ministries and expenses of Trinity Baptist Church and what you will give towards the March for Missions Offering, I pray that God will enlarge your heart of generosity. Our hope is to finish this year in a stronger financial position than last year so that we can continue to effectively proclaim Christ and make disciples of those who claim Christ, all for the glory of Christ. With all the uncertainty that 2021 holds, our hope is to be financially equipped with the resources necessary to expand our own ministries and to continue to fund local ministries and world-wide mission efforts and missionaries.
Pastor Nate