As we move closer to
Thanksgiving Day, there are many things happening at Trinity Baptist Church. This Sunday morning, we will be celebrating the Lord's Supper together in both of our Worship services. As
we prepare for our corporate gathering, please join with your church
family in seeking God’s grace as we live our lives for His glory.
Prayer Guide: Nov 18,
2018 – 1 Peter 2:24-25
1. Pray for our Student
Ministry Discipleship Now week that begins Friday pm. Pray that the Holy Spirit
would transform students’ hearts more into the likeness of Jesus.
2. Ask God to stir our
hearts as we generously and lovingly provide food items for the Thanksgiving
baskets. Pray that many families would experience the love and grace of God
through the kindness of our members.
3. Pray that God would
give us all generous hearts so that we would give willingly and sacrificially towards
our March for Missions Offering. Our goal as a church this year is $175,000.
4. Thank God for His
grace and mercy poured out to us in Jesus Christ.
5. Praise Jesus for
His willingness to endure the wrath of God for our sin at the cross.
6. Ask God for a
greater desire to live for His glory in all of life.
7. Ask God to do His
work of salvation and sanctification as we gather to worship on Sunday morning.