The 5th Commandment – Honor your father and mother – is the leading commandment of the second table of commands. The first four commandments regulate our love to God. The last six describe our love for others. Loving others begins with honoring one’s father and mother because it is in the home where relationships begin. This Sunday, we will learn that honoring one’s father and mother doesn’t end when we turn 18 years old. This commandment endures and should be a guiding principle throughout life. Please join with your church family in praying that God will do a great work in the life of our church family.
Prayer Guide: June 23, 2019 – Exodus 20:12
1. Praise God for His Greatness and His Goodness revealed to us clearly in both in His Word and in Jesus, the Living Word.
2. Glorify our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who perfectly fulfilled the 5th Commandment and was uniquely qualified to die on the cross for our sins.
3. Pray that God would deepen your love and respect for your parents according to His will.
4. Confess to God your struggle to honor your parents both inwardly and outwardly. Ask for forgiveness for dishonoring your parents with disrespectful thoughts, words, actions, and inactions.
5. Pray for grace for the want to when it comes to honoring parents that have neglected God’s Word and hurt you with their actions and words.
6. Ask God to help you to joyfully submit to the authorities that He has put in your life.
7. Please ask God to empower our church to live on mission for His glory – reaching people with the gospel in Amarillo.
8. Pray that God’s Spirit would move in marvelous and amazing ways in and through us – bringing spiritual and numerical growth to our church family for His glory.