Prayer Guide: Feb 18, 2018 – Acts 2:14-41

Posted By: Nate Magloughlin - 2/14/2018 8:30:00 AM

As the Spirit descends on Jesus’ disciples, they begin to speak in known languages that they previously didn’t speak. Many who observed this were confused and perplexed. Peter takes the opportunity to explain this phenomenon by connecting it to OT prophecy and to Jesus. In what is the first sermon of the church, we learn some keys to faithfully sharing the gospel. Please join us in praying for our church family and our time together this weekend!

Pastor Nate

Prayer Guide: Feb 18, 2018 – Acts 2:14-41

1. Praise Jesus as the crucified yet risen Lord and Savior. Thank God for His wisdom in salvation.  

2. Ask God to help you become a better listener so that you can more effectively build bridges into the lives of people in order to share the gospel.

3. Ask God for wisdom to know how to transition everyday conversations to gospel conversations. Pray for wisdom to ask the right questions as you seek to move conversations in a spiritual direction.

4. Pray for creativity and wisdom as you consider ways to invest into the lives of others.

5. Thank God for the people who have invested (who do invest) into your spiritual life.

6. Ask God to do His work of salvation and sanctification this week at TBC!