Jesus’ seventh and final word from the cross is ultimately a prayer of trust. Quoting from Psalm 31:5, Jesus says, “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.” Immediately following this, Jesus breathes His last. Throughout His seven last words, Jesus models for us what it looks like to live by faith for God’s glory. In this last word, Jesus models the way in which one who has been made righteous is able to face death. As we anticipate gathering for worship this Sunday, will you join with us in prayer?
Prayer Guide: April 14, 2019 – Luke 23:46
1. Praise God for His gracious revelation of Himself in the person of Jesus Christ. Thank Him for taking on flesh and bearing our sin burdens to Calvary.
2. Thank Jesus for His words from the cross – the words that reveal the heart of God for sinners and the love of God that ultimately led to the death of the Son of God.
3. Ask God to strengthen your faith so that you will face trials and difficulty in a way that is pleasing to God.
4. Take time now to pray for people you know who are hurting and trying to make sense of their situations in life.
5. In light of the fact that physical death is a transition to either eternal life in the presence of God or to eternal torment apart from the presence of God, ask God to give you opportunity to share the gospel with people you know who are not believers.
6. Pray that God will glorify Himself by giving spiritual life to spiritually dead hearts this Sunday.
7. Pray that our church members would invite people to our Easter musical and our Easter services in order to hear the gospel, connect with our church family, and be encouraged in Christ.