Church: As you've heard, our 2020 Outlook is: To proclaim Christ and make disciples who prioritize God's Word by reading it, meditating on it, and memorizing selected verses in 2020.
Recently, we posted a Bible reading plan that we are encouraging every member and regular attender to follow. We hope you will consider reading along with your church family.
Today, we are posting some questions that you can ask of the text as you read through the various passages to help you meditate on what you are reading. This is a tool to help you think more deeply about the text. We encourage you to select one of the passages from the group of readings for the day and apply one of the sets of questions to that passage. You may find it most helpful to record your answers in a notebook or journal.
Bible Meditation Questions
*The two sets of questions below are meant to be used as tools to help you think deeply on the Word of God. Please feel free to use any number and any combination of questions on any given day. You may find it most helpful to write down your thoughts and answers in a journal.
A. Set One
1. What does this passage teach me about God? (His nature, character, attributes, likes, dislikes, etc.)
2. Based on this passage, how should I relate to God?
- For what should I praise God?
- For what should I thank God?
- For what should I trust God?
3. What does this passage teach about who God desires me to be?
4. What does this passage teach me about how I ought to relate to others?
- To family members…
- To fellow Christians…
- To non-Christians…
- To enemies…
5. What do I need to confess to God as sin in light of who He desires me to be and how He wants me to relate to others?
6. How does this passage point to Jesus / reveal my need for Jesus?
B. Set Two
1. Is there a command to obey in this passage? If so, what is it?
2. Is there an example to follow in this passage? If so, what is it?
3. Is there something for me to believe in this passage? If so, what is it?
4. Is there a sin to avoid or confess in this passage? If so, what is it?
5. How does God want to make me more like Jesus based on what I’ve read today?