This morning, our Bible reading plan took us through Exodus 14. The story of the Israelites crossing the Red Sea is one most of us are very familiar with. We have heard it preached, read it in our Bibles numerous times, and watched it happen in the movies. This means it can become routine for us to read and move passed this chapter quickly. But what if we pause and consider all the ramifications of what happens for the people as they cross over the sea.
The people have just left Egypt, which would be west of the Red Sea. They have seen God deliver them from Pharaoh with 10 plagues, but God has also led them on a very strange path out of Egypt. So strange that Pharaoh believes they are lost in the wilderness and has a change of heart. He gathers his army and rides out to reclaim his slaves. Imagine being the Israelites in that moment. The people who have oppressed you for hundreds of years are bering down on you. The greatest army in the world at the time is riding up ready for battle, and your only way of escape is through a sea you cannot cross. If you are in that situation, chances are you would respond like the Israelites, with fear and despair. Even with this fear and despair God acts. He parts the sea, the people walk across on dry land, and the Egyptian army is completely destroyed.
Everything changes once the Israelites are east of the sea. On the west side of the sea, they are scared former slaves. On the east side, they are a triumphant nation. On the west side of the sea, they are a homeless group not knowing where they are going. On the east side of the sea, they are a people on their way to the Promised Land. On the west side of the sea, they see nothing but the world around them and Pharaoh's army. On the east side of the sea, they know the deliverance of God and the freedom of being His people. Everything changes on the eastern shore. And that same reality is true for us. If we are in Christ, we have passed through the waters of death and destruction and come out on the eastern shore. We are no longer enslaved. We are no longer homeless. We no longer need to fear.
As followers of King Jesus, we have a guarantee that we will come to the Promised Land. Like the Israelites, we stand on the eastern shore and know we have been fully and completely delivered. But we are not in the Promised Land yet. Like the Israelites, we still have to journey through the wilderness of this life. And like the Israelites, we will fail to fully believe and live in the promises of God. But there is good news. God led the Israelites in a pillar of cloud and fire. When they were unfaithful and grumbling, he graciously continued to lead. Our God has not changed. He has given us his Spirit to lead us. And when we are unfaithful and grumbling, when we do not believe the promises and try to find our own way, God will graciously lead us. And we have a guarantee that he will lead us home.