Midweek Update
Thursday, October 1, 2020
Sunday Morning Ministries
Church family,
Our Sunday morning classes have resumed at 9:45am! It is always a blessing to study the Word of God together. If you haven’t seen the video, please go to the Current Events page https://www.trinitybaptistamarillo.org/current-events and watch it. We also wanted to make you aware of a few other simple changes.
- There will be 3 entrances / exits from the building: Worship Center doors, ROC Breezeway, and the Church Office. Please use one of these doors throughout the morning for entering and exiting.
- Some of the adult Sunday morning Bible study classes will be meeting in different locations. Your teacher or director should be contacting you with that info, or you can find your class and room listed below.
Sunday Morning Bible Study Class Locations
The Word With Friends – Fellowship Hall
Truth For Life – W-202
Kingdom First – FH 10
Because He First Loved Us – W-207
Life Together – Fellowship Hall
Growing In Faith Together – W-206
Cornerstone – W-203
Cross Trainers – W-201
Explore the Bible – Music Suite
Truth Seekers & Hearts of Faith – Chapel
Know What You Believe – W-100
Women of the Word – E-204
Young Professionals – W-205
College – ROC 12
Remember that all Bible Study classes with begin at their regular time of 9:45am.
Registration for Sunday
Don't forget to register for one of our Sunday services (you will need to do this every week). CLICK HERE to make a reservation. For those who are not comfortable gathering with a larger group of people, we completely understand. We want you to make the wisest and best decision for yourself and your family. We will still be livestreaming our service each Sunday at 11:00am and want you to join us.
Worship for Sunday, October 4
Church family, click here to hear the list of songs we’ll use this Sunday, October 4, 2020, along with our times of preaching, prayer, and Scripture reading in the 11:00am live-stream of our worship service. Click here to access information about the live-stream (available Sundays at 11:00am on our website and on our Facebook page). Let’s come with hearts ready to give ourselves to the Lord in worship.
Worship Choir Update
Worship Choir friends, here's the registration link for Choir Christmas Session 2020: https://bit.ly/2RbyQHl. For a deep dive into the details on the plan for Christmas, check out the Worship Choir page on our website: https://www.trinitybaptistamarillo.org/worship-choir.
Small Groups Resuming
Our Sunday night Small Groups will resume Sunday, October 11. In addition, Student Ministry small groups, Kids Rock, and Preschool Praise will also resume on this date. Small Groups that utilize student and children’s programming will meet on campus from 6-7:15 pm. Due to necessary precautions, no food or snacks will be given during Kids ROCK and PreSchool Praise. Parents will need to feed kids before bringing them for the nights activities. If you are not in a small group but want to get connected, please contact Pastor Derek dhall@tbcamarillo.org.
Kidz R.O.C.K. and PreSchool Praize Kick Off
Kidz Rock and Preschool Praize are beginning Sunday, October 11, from 6:00-7:15pm. For more information and to register, visit our website:www.trinitybaptistamarillo.org/childrens-music-programs.
November 13 - November 15. Cost is $50 for early registration. The price jumps to $75 on October 14. Parent Only session is November 14, from 1:00-1:45pm. For more information and to register, visit our website:
Children's Ministry Volunteers Needed
We have several areas in our Children's Ministry that need volunteers. We need teachers and child care helpers for Sunday School and during both of the Worship Services. If you are interested in volunteering in this important ministry of TBC, please contact the church office at 806.372.2421.
TBC Mother's Day Out
We still have spots available for children of all ages. If you are interested in reserving a spot for your child or more information on our Mother's Day Out program, contact Helen Rich at 806-681-2984.
October Scripture Memory: Psalm 31:23-24 (Faithfulness)
Love the Lord, all you his saints! The Lord preserves the faithful but abundantly repays the one who acts in pride. Be strong, and let your heart take courage, all you who wait for the Lord!
With Deepest Sympathy Extended To
Tony and Sharla Carter, upon the death of Sharla's mother, Margaret Duggins. Mrs. Duggins passed away on Thursday, September 24, in Friona Texas.
TBC 2021 Budget Preparation Schedule
Thursday, October 8, 2020 - Finance Committee budget work session following regular monthly meeting.
Thursday, October 22, 2020 - Finance Committee second budget work session, TBC Conference Room, 5:30pm.
Tuesday, October 29, 2020 - Finance Committee third budget work session, 5:30pm, TBC Conference Room **IF NECESSARY**
Sunday, November 1, 2020 - Preliminary proposed 2021 budget available to church membership.
Wednesday, November 11, 2020 - Church-wide budget hearing, 5:30-6:30pm, basement.
** The committee will reconvene if the above hearing results in any need to discuss revisions to the proposed budget.
Sunday, November 29, 2020 - Final 2021 proposed budget available to staff, committees, and membership in preparation for vote.
Wednesday, December 16, 2020 - Vote on proposed 2021 budget.
Prayer Guide
As we close out our study through Matthew’s Gospel, we come to one of the most well-known passages in the New Testament – The Great Commission. Here Jesus gives the church its primary purpose, the main reason for its existence. God’s desire is that follower of Jesus Christ make disciples. Join us in prayer as we seek God’s grace in preparation for corporate worship this week.
Prayer Guide: October 4, 2020 – Matthew 28:16-20
1. Give praise to Jesus, the One who possesses all authority as the resurrected Lord and Savior.
2. Repent of your lack of concern for making disciples. Ask God to give you a heart for the lost and a passion to share the gospel and make disciples.
3. Pray for courage and boldness to live on mission with Jesus in a world that is becoming increasingly hostile to absolute Truth.
4. Ask God for grace to model a life of obedience to God’s will and God’s ways.
5. Pray that God would be gracious to our church – that we would be people led by the Spirit and concerned about unity in the Body.
6. Ask God to grant peace and hope in a nation that is so divided.
7. Pray for our Children’s Minister search. Ask God to lead us to the right candidate in His time!
Midweek Update
Wednesday, September 23, 2020
Sunday Morning Ministries
Church family,
We are excited to have our Sunday morning classes starting again at 9:45am! It is always a blessing to study the Word of God together. If you haven’t seen the video, please go to the Current Events page
https://www.trinitybaptistamarillo.org/current-events and watch it. We also wanted to make you aware of a few other simple changes.
- There will be 3 entrances / exits from the building: Worship Center doors, ROC Breezeway, and the Church Office. Please use one of these doors throughout the morning for entering and exiting.
- Some of the adult Sunday morning Bible study classes will be meeting in different locations. Your teacher or director should be contacting you with that info, or you can find your class and room listed below.
Sunday Morning Bible Study Class Locations
The Word With Friends – Fellowship Hall
Truth For Life – W-202
Kingdom First – FH 10
Because He First Loved Us – W-207
Life Together – Fellowship Hall
Growing In Faith Together – W-206
Cornerstone – W-203
Cross Trainers – W-201
Explore the Bible – Music Suite
Truth Seekers & Hearts of Faith – Chapel
Know What You Believe – W-100
Women of the Word – E-204
Young Professionals – W-205
College – ROC 12
Remember that all Bible Study classes with begin at their regular time of 9:45am.
Registration for Sunday
Don't forget to register for one of our Sunday services (you will need to do this every week). CLICK HERE to make a reservation. For those who are not comfortable gathering with a larger group of people, we completely understand. We want you to make the wisest and best decision for yourself and your family. We will still be livestreaming our service each Sunday at 11:00am and want you to join us.
Worship for Sunday, September 27
Church family, click here to hear the list of songs we’ll use this Sunday, September 27, 2020, along with our times of preaching, prayer, and Scripture reading in the 11:00am live-stream of our worship service. Click here to access information about the live-stream (available Sundays at 11:00am on our website and on our Facebook page). Let’s come with hearts ready to give ourselves to the Lord in worship.
Worship Choir Kick Off
Worship Choir kicks off September 30, in the Worship Center. We will be socially distanced. For more information and to register, visit our website: www.trinitybaptistamarillo.org/worship-choir.
Worship Choir Update
Worship Choir friends, here's the registration link for Choir Christmas Session 2020: https://bit.ly/2RbyQHl. For a deep dive into the details on the plan for Christmas, check out the Worship Choir page on our website: https://www.trinitybaptistamarillo.org/worship-choir.
Small Groups Resuming
Our Sunday night Small Groups will resume Sunday, October 11. In addition, Student Ministry small groups, Kids Rock, and Preschool Praise will also resume on this date. Small Groups that utilize student and children’s programming will meet on campus from 6-7:15 pm. Due to necessary precautions, no food or snacks will be given during Kids Rock and Preschool Praise. Parents will need to feed kids before bringing them for the nights activities. If you are not in a small group but want to get connected, please contact Pastor Derek dhall@tbcamarillo.org.
Kidz R.O.C.K. and PreSchool Praize Kick Off
Kidz Rock and Preschool Praize are beginning Sunday, October 11, from 6:00-7:15pm. For more information and to register, visit our website: www.trinitybaptistamarillo.org/childrens-music-programs.
November 13 - November 15. Cost is $50 for early registration. The price jumps to $75 on October 14. Parent Only session is November 14, from 1:00-1:45pm. For more information and to register, visit our website:
Children's Ministry Volunteers Needed
We have several areas in our Children's Ministry that need volunteers. We need teachers and child care helpers for Sunday School and during both of the Worship Services. If you are interested in volunteering in this important ministry of TBC, please contact the church office at 806.372.2421.
TBC Mother's Day Out
We still have spots available for children of all ages. If you are interested in reserving a spot for your child or more information on our Mother's Day Out program, contact Helen Rich at 806-681-2984.
September Scripture Memory 1 Peter 2:11-12 (Goodness)
Beloved, I urge you as sojourners and exiles to abstain from the passions of the flesh, which wage war against your soul. Keep your conduct among the Gentiles honorable, so that when they speak against you as evildoers, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day of visitation.
October Scripture Memory: Psalm 31:23-24 (Faithfulness)
Love the Lord, all you his saints! The Lord preserves the faithful but abundantly repays the one who acts in pride. Be strong, and let your heart take courage, all you who wait for the Lord!
TBC 2021 Budget Preparation Schedule
Sunday, September 27, 2020 - Budget input opportunity -- relevant committees and staff meet at church at 7:00pm. Church members can ask questions, provide budget input, or make budget requests.
Friday, October 2, 2020 - Budget requests from staff and committees due to Financial Coordinator.
Thursday, October 8, 2020 - Finance Committee budget work session following regular monthly meeting.
Thursday, October 22, 2020 - Finance Committee second budget work session, TBC Conference Room, 5:30pm.
Tuesday, October 29, 2020 - Finance Committee third budget work session, 5:30pm, TBC Conference Room **IF NECESSARY**
Sunday, November 1, 2020 - Preliminary proposed 2021 budget available to church membership.
Wednesday, November 11, 2020 - Church-wide budget hearing, 5:30-6:30pm, basement.
** The committee will reconvene if the above hearing results in any need to discuss revisions to the proposed budget.
Sunday, November 29, 2020 - Final 2021 proposed budget available to staff, committees, and membership in preparation for vote.
Wednesday, December 16, 2020 - Vote on proposed 2021 budget.
Prayer Guide
Last Sunday we examined the crucifixion of Christ. In the wake of Jesus’ death His followers experienced great loss, heartache, confusion and even fear. While the Cross of Christ did not make sense to those who knew and loved Jesus, what would come next would be an even greater mystery. This Sunday as we examine Matthew 28:1-15 we will consider the resurrection and the love of God. Let’s pray together that God would prepare our hearts and minds to celebrate what He has done through Jesus our Lord.
Prayer Guide: September 27, 2020 - Matthew 28:1-15
- Thank God for defeating sin and death through the life, death, and resurrection of His Son.
- Praise God for accepting Jesus’ sacrifice on your behalf and for raising Him from the dead.
- Confess to God your need for both the death of Christ as well as His resurrection.
- Pray that God would help you to live a transformed life out of love for Him.
- Ask God to increase the ministry and reach of Trinity Baptist Church so that more and more people would be discipled in Jesus’ name.
Midweek Update
Thursday, September 17, 2020
Sunday Morning Ministries
Church family,
We are excited to have our Sunday morning classes starting again at 9:45am! It is always a blessing to study the Word of God together.If you haven’t seen the video, please go to the Current Events page
https://www.trinitybaptistamarillo.org/current-events and watch it. We also wanted to make you aware of a few other simple changes.
- There will be 3 entrances / exits from the building: Worship Center doors, ROC Breezeway, and the Church Office. Please use one of these doors throughout the morning for entering and exiting.
- Some of the adult Sunday morning Bible study classes will be meeting in different locations. Your teacher or director should be contacting you with that info, or you can find your class and room listed below.
Sunday Morning Bible Study Class Locations
The Word With Friends – Fellowship Hall
Truth For Life – W-202
Kingdom First – FH 10
Because He First Loved Us – W-207
Life Together – Fellowship Hall
Growing In Faith Together – W-206
Cornerstone – W-203
Cross Trainers – W-201
Explore the Bible – Music Suite
Truth Seekers & Hearts of Faith – Chapel
Know What You Believe – W-100
Women of the Word – E-204
Young Professionals – W-205
College – ROC 12
Remember that all Bible Study classes with begin at their regular time of 9:45am.
Registration for Sunday
Don't forget to register for one of our Sunday services (you will need to do this every week). CLICK HERE to make a reservation. For those who are not comfortable gathering with a larger group of people, we completely understand. We want you to make the wisest and best decision for yourself and your family. We will still be livestreaming our service each Sunday at 11:00am and want you to join us.
Worship for Sunday, September 20
Church family, click here to hear the list of songs we’ll use this Sunday,September 20, 2020, along with our times of preaching, prayer, and Scripture reading in the 11:00am live-stream of our worship service. Click here to access information about the live-stream (available Sundays at 11:00am on our website and on our Facebook page). Let’s come with hearts ready to give ourselves to the Lord in worship.
Worship Choir Kick Off
Worship Choir kicks off September 30, in the Worship Center. We will be socially distanced. For more information and to register, visit our website: www.trinitybaptistamarillo.org/worship-choir.
Worship Choir Update
Worship Choir friends, here's the registration link for Choir Christmas Session 2020: https://bit.ly/2RbyQHl. For a deep dive into the details on the plan for Christmas, check out the Worship Choir page on our website: https://www.trinitybaptistamarillo.org/worship-choir.
Small Groups Resuming
Our Sunday night Small Groups will resume Sunday, October 11. In addition, Student Ministry small groups, Kids Rock, and Preschool Praise will also resume on this date. Small Groups that utilize student and children’s programming will meet on campus from 6-7:15 pm. Due to necessary precautions, no food or snacks will be given during Kids Rock and Preschool Praise. Parents will need to feed kids before bringing them for the nights activities. If you are not in a small group but want to get connected, please contact Pastor Derek dhall@tbcamarillo.org.
Kidz R.O.C.K. and PreSchool Praize Kick Off
Kidz Rock and Preschool Praize are beginning Sunday, October 11, from 6:00-7:15pm. For more information and to register, visit our website: www.trinitybaptistamarillo.org/childrens-music-programs.
Amarillo Area Baptist Association Annual Meeting
What: AABA Annual Meeting
When: Sunday, October 4
Where: High Plains Retreat Center
Time: Registration will begin at 3:30pm. Meeting begins at 4:00pm
If you are interested in representing TBC as a messenger, please call the church office by Monday, September 21.
November 13 - November 15. Cost is $50 for early registration. The price jumps to $75 on October 4. Parent Only session is November 14, from 1:00-1:45pm. For more information and to register, visit our website:
Children's Ministry Volunteers Needed
We have several areas in our Children's Ministry that need volunteers. We need teachers and child care helpers for Sunday School and during both of the Worship Services. If you are interested in volunteering in this important ministry of TBC, please contact the church office at 806.372.2421.
TBC Mother's Day Out
We still have spots available for children of all ages. If you are interested in reserving a spot for your child or more information on our Mother's Day Out program, contact Helen Rich at 806-681-2984.
September Scripture Memory 1 Peter 2:11-12 (Goodness)
Beloved, I urge you as sojourners and exiles to abstain from the passions of the flesh, which wage war against your soul. Keep your conduct among the Gentiles honorable, so that when they speak against you as evildoers, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day of visitation.
With Deepest Sympathy Extended To
Kevin and Linda Hare, upon the death of Linda's father, Larry Sanderson. Mr. Sanderson passed away on Saturday, September 12, in Littlefield, Texas.
TBC 2021 Budget Preparation Schedule
Sunday, September 27, 2020 - Budget input opportunity -- relevant committees and staff meet at church at 7:00pm. Church members can ask questions, provide budget input, or make budget requests.
Friday, October 2, 2020 - Budget requests from staff and committees due to Financial Coordinator.
Thursday, October 8, 2020 - Finance Committee budget work session following regular monthly meeting.
Thursday, October 22, 2020 - Finance Committee second budget work session, TBC Conference Room, 5:30pm.
Tuesday, October 29, 2020 - Finance Committee third budget work session, 5:30pm, TBC Conference Room **IF NECESSARY**
Sunday, November 1, 2020 - Preliminary proposed 2021 budget available to church membership.
Wednesday, November 11, 2020 - Church-wide budget hearing, 5:30-6:30pm, basement.
** The committee will reconvene if the above hearing results in any need to discuss revisions to the proposed budget.
Sunday, November 29, 2020 - Final 2021 proposed budget available to staff, committees, and membership in preparation for vote.
Wednesday, December 16, 2020 - Vote on proposed 2021 budget.
Prayer Guide
Daily, people are put into positions where they must make sense of the data they observe. Whether it is relationships or circumstances, the wise and discerning will prayerfully seek the Lord to gain comprehension. As we have been walking with Jesus, we have seen his power and authority. We have seen his tenderness and compassion. We have seen both positive and negative reaction to Jesus’ ministry and His claims. We have seen Him betrayed with a kiss. In Matthew 27:24-66, we will see Jesus crucified. This Sunday morning, we will focus our attention on making sense of the Cross of Christ. Join us in prayer as we plead with God for grace!
Prayer Guide: September 20, 2020 – Matthew 27:27-66
1. Thank God for His grace and mercy in sending Jesus, the Savior that we so desperately need.
2. Confess to God your propensity to sin and rebel against His will and His ways. Humble yourself and admit that you are deserving of God’s wrath. Praise Jesus for His finished work where He took your sin and shame and drank the fullness of God’s wrath on your behalf.
3. Thank God that He is a faithful, just, and promise keeping God.
4. Praise God for His great love. Ask Him to make you more like Jesus in the way that you love others!
5. Pray for courage and faithfulness to proclaim the gospel, the message of God’s love for sinners. Ask God to use you this week to share the good news with someone who is apart from faith in Christ.
6. Ask God to increase the ministry and reach of Trinity Baptist Church so that more and more people would be discipled in Jesus’ name.
Midweek Update
Thursday, September 10, 2020
Sunday Morning Ministries Expanding
Church family,
As you know, we will expand our Sunday morning worship ministries this coming Sunday, September 13th. If you haven’t seen the video, please go to the Current Events page https://www.trinitybaptistamarillo.org/current-events and watch it. We also wanted to make you aware of a few other simple changes coming on that day.
- There will be 3 entrances / exits from the building: Worship Center doors, ROC Breezeway, and the Church Office. Please use one of these doors throughout the morning for entering and exiting.
- Some of the adult Sunday morning Bible study classes will be meeting in different locations. Your teacher or director should be contacting you with that info, or you can find your class and room listed below.
We are excited to have our Sunday morning classes starting again at 9:45am! It is always a blessing to study the Word of God together.
Sunday Morning Bible Study Class Locations
The Word With Friends – Fellowship Hall
Truth For Life – W-202
Kingdom First – FH 10
Because He First Loved Us – W-207 (Please note this is a change from last week)
Life Together – Fellowship Hall
Growing In Faith Together – W-206
Cornerstone – W-203
Cross Trainers – W-201
Explore the Bible – Music Suite
Truth Seekers & Hearts of Faith – Chapel
Know What You Believe – W-100
Women of the Word – E-204
Young Professionals – W-205
College – ROC 12
Remember that all Bible Study classes with begin at their regular time of 9:45am.
Worship Choir Update
Worship Choir friends, here's the registration link for Choir Christmas Session 2020: https://bit.ly/2RbyQHl
For a deep dive into the details on the plan for Christmas, check out the Worship Choir page on our website: https://www.trinitybaptistamarillo.org/worship-choir
Amarillo Area Baptist Association Annual Meeting
What: AABA Annual Meeting
When: Sunday, October 4
Where: High Plains Retreat Center
Time: Registration will begin at 3:30pm. Meeting begins at 4:00pm
If you are interested in representing TBC as a messenger, please call the church office by Monday, September 21.
FAMS Night of Praise Video
TBC Family, I'm so proud to present to you the link for the video from our recent FAMS Night of Praise. As you know, we've been blessed to lead worship at a conference for Southern Baptist missionaries in Southeast Asia during the last several summers. We were saddened when this year's conference was cancelled due to the corona virus, but we didn't want to miss an opportunity to encourage these precious brothers and sisters who are faithfully serving the Lord overseas. FAMS Night of Praise was filmed on Sunday evening, July 19, and what a special night it was as we sang and prayed and heard the Word of God shared! I hope you are strengthened in your walk with Christ as you watch the video.
Special Instructions: Due to the fact that several of our missionaries are serving in nations that are hostile to the gospel, security is a great concern, especially when it comes to the internet. Many of them are serving "under cover" in those nations. So, we're asking something unusual of you: PLEASE DO NOT SHARE THIS VIDEO LINK; enjoy it, but do not share it. We would be devastated if we unintentionally jeopardized the safety or the ministry effectiveness of our missionary friends.
Here's the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q5G3DOoKsgM&feature=youtu.be
Children's Ministry Volunteers Needed
We have several areas in our Children's Ministry that need volunteers. We need teachers and child care helpers for Sunday School and during both of the Worship Services. If you are interested in volunteering in this important ministry of TBC, please contact the church office at 806.372.2421.
TBC Mother's Day Out
We still have spots available for children of all ages. If you are interested in reserving a spot for your child or more information on our Mother's Day Out program, contact Helen Rich at 806-681-2984.
Church Family,
Don't forget to register for one of our Sunday services (you will need to do this every week). CLICK HERE to make a reservation. For those who are not comfortable gathering with a larger group of people, we completely understand. We want you to make the wisest and best decision for yourself and your family. We will still be livestreaming our service each Sunday at 11:00am and want you to join us.
September Scripture Memory 1 Peter 2:11-12 (Goodness)
Beloved, I urge you as sojourners and exiles to abstain from the passions of the flesh, which wage war against your soul. Keep your conduct among the Gentiles honorable, so that when they speak against you as evildoers, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day of visitation.
Worship for Sunday, September 13
Church family, click here to hear the list of songs we’ll use this Sunday,September 13, 2020, along with our times of preaching, prayer, and Scripture reading in the 11:00am live-stream of our worship service. Click here to access information about the live-stream (available Sundays at 11:00am on our website and on our Facebook page). Let’s come with hearts ready to give ourselves to the Lord in worship.
With Deepest Sympathy Extended To
Jim and Donna Bass and their family, upon the death of Jim's mother, Neva Jo Bass.
Mrs. Bass passed away on Saturday September 6, in Portales, New Mexico.
TBC 2021 Budget Preparation Schedule
Sunday, September 27, 2020 - Budget input opportunity -- relevant committees and staff meet at church at 7:00pm. Church members can ask questions, provide budget input, or make budget requests.
Friday, October 2, 2020 - Budget requests from staff and committees due to Financial Coordinator.
Thursday, October 8, 2020 - Finance Committee budget work session following regular monthly meeting.
Thursday, October 22, 2020 - Finance Committee second budget work session, TBC Conference Room, 5:30pm.
Tuesday, October 29, 2020 - Finance Committee third budget work session, 5:30pm, TBC Conference Room **IF NECESSARY**
Sunday, November 1, 2020 - Preliminary proposed 2021 budget available to church membership.
Wednesday, November 11, 2020 - Church-wide budget hearing, 5:30-6:30pm, basement.
** The committee will reconvene if the above hearing results in any need to discuss revisions to the proposed budget.
Sunday, November 29, 2020 - Final 2021 proposed budget available to staff, committees, and membership in preparation for vote.
Wednesday, December 16, 2020 - Vote on proposed 2021 budget.
Prayer Guide
As we move closer to Jesus’ crucifixion as presented in Matthew’s Gospel, the devastating effects of sin become ever so clear. Consumed with hatred and blinded by their sin, those who were in positions of power acted foolishly. Those who should have recognized Jesus’ true identity were blind to the truth. Foolishly, the crowds of people advocated for Barabbas’ release instead of Jesus’ release. Against his better judgment, Pilate condemns Jesus to death, handing him over to be crucified. As we look forward to joining together to worship on Sunday, please use this guide to prepare your heart to hear from God.
Prayer Guide: September 13, 2020 – Matthew 27:1-26
1. Praise God for His grace in revealing Jesus’ true identity to you. Worship Him as the God of salvation.
2. Ask God to help you recognize the lies of the devil and the wiles of this world.
3. Pray for wisdom and courage to live consistently according to God’s will.
4. Pray for people that you know to be apart from faith in Jesus Christ. Ask God to open their eyes and mind to see and perceive the truth of the gospel.
5. Thank Jesus for taking the punishment that you deserved as He died on the cross.
6. Pray for Michelle and Wesley Rose as they transition to Fort Worth, Texas. Pray also for our church as we search for a new children’s minister.