"Eggstra" Special Trunk Hop.   Click Here for more details.



We will be livestreaming our worship service this Sunday at 10:30am here on this page. In addition, we will be livestreaming to our church's facebook page. You can access a worship guide for this Sunday's worship service below:

How to prepare for worship via the livestream:

  • You can view the livestream on this page using the player above, or on our church's facebook page. However, you MUST have a facebook account in order to view the livestream on the church's facebook page. Go to https://www.facebook.com/trinitybaptistamarillo/ If you do not have a facebook account, you will be prompted to create one. 
  • Access the Worship Guide by clicking on the blue "Worship Guide" link above the player. 
  • Spend time praying before the service. Ask God to help you as we worship in a very different environment.
  • Put away / turn off your phones--unless you are using them for a worship-related activity. Try to make your home distraction-free.
  • Make sure you have your Bible handy. We'll be using our Bibles just like always.
  • Sing out loud (even if it feels awkward).

Recorded videos of our service can be found on the SERMONS page

Thank you for faithfully stewarding the resources God has entrusted to you.

To give online, CLICK HERE.

You can also mail checks to the church office: 1601 I-40 West Amarillo, TX 79109