Worship Music For Sunday, August 23

Posted By: Troy McConnell - 8/19/2020 1:00:00 AM


Church family, here is the list of songs we’ll use this Sunday, August 23, 2020, along with our times of preaching, prayer, and Scripture reading in the 8:30 and 11:00am worship services (and the 11:00am live-stream).


This Sunday (8/23), TBC will be observing the Lord's Supper together as a church in both of our Sunday morning worship services. In light of the times, we have purchased pre-packaged Lord's Supper elements and have come up with a way to distribute them that doesn't entail passing the elements down each pew. For those of you who are not yet comfortable to return for in-person worship, we invite you to come by the church office anytime between 9am-2pm on Wednesday, Thursday or Friday of this week to pick up pre-packaged elements so that you can observe the Lord's Supper with your church family via the Livestream at 11am. Please feel free to contact the office if you have any questions.

CLICK HERE to register for this week's in-person worship service. (1 registration per family each Sunday)

CLICK HERE to access information about the live-stream (available Sundays at 11:00am on our website and on our facebook page)


Let’s come with hearts ready to give ourselves to the Lord in worship. To that end, we’ve included links to the songs below: 


"Love Come Down":


"Praise Him! Praise Him!":


"Living Hope":


"King of Kings":


"Grace Flows Down":


"Grace Alone":


Some of our worship ministry volunteers will share the message in song, "He Will Hold Me Fast":


Pastor Nate will preach a message from Matthew 26