A few weeks ago my daughter Anniso" />

A few weeks ago my daughter Anniso" />


Stories of Proclaiming Christ

Posted By: Derek Hall - 8/20/2018 8:00:00 AM

A few weeks ago my daughter Annison and I were having a coffee/hot chocolate date on the porch outside Roasters. We were enjoying reading books to each other when a tall, middle-eastern looking man walked over to us and said, “Excuse me, ma’am, are you a teacher?” I replied, “No, I’m just reading with my daughter.” He proceeded to tell me that his family had moved to town at the end of the previous school year and that his son was very behind in reading, and they were looking for someone to help him over the summer so he would be caught up when he starts first grade this year. I took his name and number and told him I would call a few people I knew and see if there was anyone who could help. He thanked me, went in to get coffee, and came back and sat down on the opposite end of the patio. After I made some phone calls I went over to him and said I was waiting to hear back from a few ladies and would call him as soon as I knew something. Again he said, “Thank you so much”. When I went to sit back down I knew the Holy Spirit was clearly telling me to use this opportunity to share the gospel with him. I quickly explained to Annsion what I needed to do, and as he got up to leave, I went over and asked him more about his family and his background. Then I asked if he had any religious beliefs. He seemed confused so I asked him if he was Muslim. He said, “Yes I am, but not the bad kind who want to hurt people, they are not even true Muslims.” I assured him I wasn’t thinking that. Then I paused to gather my thoughts, inwardly asking the Spirit to give me the words, and said, “Khalifa, I am a Christian, and I think that there is a bigger reason why we met today, more than your son needing help with his reading. Would you mind if I share with you what I believe?” He smiled and said, “Yes, sure, but we basically believe the same thing, in the same God.” Over the next 15 or so minutes I was able to share the gospel and explain some of the major differences between Christians and Muslims. He was very respectful as we talked back and forth and told me that he respects genuine Christians and their morality but that he could never change. I asked him to consider the things we talked about and told him I would pray for him. Annison promptly pulled a TBC Contact Card out of my purse and handed it to me to give to him. That afternoon after many phone calls, Terri Burke agreed to tutor his son at no charge, three times a week until school starts. She and I both were eager about the opportunity for her to pick up the baton and continue to share the love of Jesus with the little boy and the parents. She has had a couple of conversations with the mother, who also gave Terri her business card to stay in touch. Just the other day I was pulling in to the library where Terri tutors the little boy and saw Terri driving away. When I went in I saw a little middle-eastern boy and his mother. I wondered if this was Khalifa’s wife and son. I finally asked her and introduced myself. She was happy to make the connection and expressed gratitude for me helping to get them connected to Terri whom she was very appreciative of. I was able to tell her that the Lord orchestrated all of that. God is certainly at work!