After emphasizing the
great blessing of salvation through Christ, Peter begins to address how
believers are to live in light of God’s grace. In vv.13-16, Peter begins with a
call to holy living. To live a holy life is to live a life of devotion to God. Please
join us in prayer as we prepare to gather on Sunday to worship Jesus and to be
changed by His Word.
Pastor Nate
Prayer Guide: Sept 9,
2018 – 1 Peter 1:13-16
1. Thank God for His
merciful intervention in your life – that when you were without hope and
condemned by your sin, He caused you to be born again to a living hope through
the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
2. Praise God that His
love and acceptance of us is not based on our own performance or ability to
live a holy life, but on the finished work of Jesus Christ.
3. Ask God for grace
to live a life of devotion to Him. Pray that God would use you as a vessel for
His glory and the good of others.
4. Confess to God your
persistent struggle with sin and ask Him for grace to put sin to death in your
5. Pray for our many church
members as we begin to study personal evangelism this week. Pray that the Holy
Spirit will further equip us to be faithful ambassadors of Jesus Christ.
6. Ask God to work His
salvation in the liv-es of people you know who are apart from faith in Jesus.