The fruit of the Spirit is peace. This Sunday, we will focus on the fruit of the Spirit known as peace. While Scripture speaks of peace in terms of relationship with God and internal tranquility, as with the other fruit of the Spirit, the peace spoken of here is relational and interpersonal. God’s desire is that His children strive for peace with each other. He desires that the gospel so take root in our lives that believers live in unity and harmony. Please join us in prayer as we prepare to gather this coming Sunday.
Prayer Guide: November 22, 2020 – Gal 5:22-23 / Hebrews 12:14
1. Worship the God who is high and lifted up, who is all-glorious, and who is the true source of all peace.
2. Praise Jesus – the Prince of Peace – the One who gave His life to secure the sinner’s peace with God.
3. Ask for grace to strive for peace with everyone. Ask God to make you a peacemaker by the power of His Spirit.
4. Confess to God that too often you live in self-centeredness, engaging in conversation and actions that jeopardize peace.
5. Pray for relationships in your life that are not characterized by peace. Ask God to give you a burden to resolve conflict and initiate reconciliation. Pray also for others who you know who are entangled in broken relationships that need God’s gracious touch.
6. Ask God to be gracious to our community. Pray that people would develop wise personal habits and use wisdom in their interactions so as not to spread the COVID-19 virus. Ask God to protect and strengthen our health care workers.
7. As our country is so divided, pray that God’s people would be faithful to proclaim the gospel, the message of peace. Ask God to open ears and soften hearts so that many would respond to the gospel in faith and repentance.
8. Pray for our church family. Ask God to give wisdom to our leadership as we seek to be faithful to our mission.