This Sunday, November 3, we’ll be partaking of the Lord’s Supper, remembering the gracious sacrifice of our Savior. As we study one of the most encouraging and uplifting passages in Matthew’s Gospel, we’ll hear Jesus’ invitation to come to Him. This is the most important invitation that anyone has ever been given. How one responds to Jesus’ invitation has profound implications, not just for this life, but for eternity. Please join with your church family in prayer as we prepare to gather on Sunday to worship.
Prayer Guide: Nov 3, 2019 – Matthew 11:25-30
1. Praise God for who He is – the sovereign and gracious One who takes an interest in sinners like you and me!
2. Thank God for His wisdom in salvation – that while no one would arrive at God on their own, He has graciously revealed Himself to the humble.
3. Confess to God your tendency towards pride and self-sufficiency. Ask God to humble you and make you dependent on Him.
4. Thank God that salvation doesn’t depend on our ability to perform the Law, but that Jesus accomplished our salvation thru His obedience and sacrifice on our behalf.
5. Ask God for grace to take Jesus’ yoke upon us and to live our lives according to His will and His ways.
6. Ask God to give you opportunity to proclaim Christ to a non-believer and then to see that person respond positively to the gospel.
7. Pray that Trinity Baptist Church would grow both spiritually and numerically.
8. Pray for the Student Ministry’s Candy and Conversations Outreach on 10/31. Ask God to work through our students to shine the light of the gospel.
9. Pray for our Nominating Committee as they are in the process of prayerfully discerning people to approach to serve on various committees and ministry teams in our church.
10. As we enter the last few months of the year with a budget deficit, please pray that God would put it on the hearts of His people to give to support the ministries and expenses of the church.