In 1 Peter 2:18-23,
Peter continues the theme of submission. While there is a vast difference
between our world and Peter’s world, the concept of submission is still
relevant. As Christians, we are servants of Jesus Christ and we are called to
submit for the sake of His glory, even when it’s difficult. Undoubtedly, there
will be times when we will have to endure unjust treatment. Join with your
church family as we seek God’s grace to respond righteously in such times.
Prayer Guide: Nov 11,
2018 – 1 Peter 2:18-23
1. Praise the God who
took on flesh in order to serve (save) sinners by giving His life as a ransom.
2. Ask God for grace to
increasingly embrace your servant identity in Jesus so that your life would be
more devoted to Him.
3. Ask God for wisdom
and humility so that you would willingly submit to authorities in your life for
His glory.
4. Thank God for His
grace which enables you to respond righteously when suffering unjustly.
5. Ask God to help you
trust Him and to be able to entrust yourself to Him when facing difficulty.
6. Pray that the way
that you respond to unjust suffering and difficulty would glorify God and be a powerful
testimony of His goodness to the lost.
7. Ask God to do His
work of salvation and sanctification as we gather to worship on Sunday morning.