Prayer Guide: May 19, 2024
1. Worship the merciful and gracious God who does not treat us as our sins deserve but calls us His children.
2. Thank Jesus who willingly and intentionally laid down His life for us as He submitted Himself to the Father’s plan of redemption.
3. Askthe Holy Spirit to give you courage to assess your attitude towards giving and to make the necessary changes to give in a way that pleases God.
4. Pray for those who will experience blessing because you give including fellow church members, missionaries, local ministries (and the people they serve), and the unbelievers who will hear the gospel, etc.
5. Pray for our children and youth who are finishing their school years. Ask God to help them to finish well academically and socially. Pray that our children’s and student ministries will thrive over the summer.
6. Pray that our church family would be intentional about staying connected during the summer months. Ask God to equip and empower us to encourage one another and reach out to others with the good news of Jesus Christ.