The Ten Commandments are one of the most recognizable aspects of the entire Bible. While not everyone can name each commandment, certainly most people are familiar with what they are. This summer, we will be focusing attention on the Ten Commandments during our corporate worship times on Sunday mornings. This Sunday, we’ll begin the series in the Ten Commandments by asking several questions related to the topic. Join us Sunday as we look at the Ten Commandments – then and now.
Prayer Guide: May 19, 2019 – Exodus 19-20
1. Praise God for His gracious salvation, that we don’t have to perform to a certain level to earn God’s favor.
2. Praise God for clearly revealing Himself and His will to us in His Word.
3. Confess to God your struggle to fear and obey Him as you should.
4. Ask God to help you to love Him and others as He calls us to.
5. Pray that God’s Spirit would be at work in the life of the non-believers that you know so that they would be convicted of their sin and be comforted in the gospel.
6. Pray for grace to be increasingly motivated to obey Him because of who He is and what He’s done on your behalf.
7. Ask God to provide for every financial need of our church family as we enter the summer behind budget.