The Apostle Paul’s pastoral purposes are on full display in 2 Thessalonians 2:13-17. To the church that is struggling, Paul offers the comfort of God’s salvation. He wants them to focus on God’s love as a source of comfort amid difficulty and anxiety. We would be wise to heed Paul’s words and allow the Truth of God’s electing love and overwhelming grace to give us confidence in life. Please join us in prayer this week as we ready ourselves to hear from God’s Word this Sunday.
Prayer Guide: May 16, 2021 – 2 Thessalonians 2.13.18
1. Pray for our families and students and the school year is rapidly coming to an end.
2. Thank God for His providential care for as we continue to move through the Pandemic.
3. Ask God to be gracious to our church as we continue to seek a new Worship Pastor
4. Thank God for the comfort and hope afforded to us in His salvation. Ask Him to help us to remember His gracious work on our behalf in times of difficulty.
5. Pray for unbelieving family members and friends. Ask God to open their eyes to see the truth of the gospel.
6. Pray that we would take seriously God’s call on our lives to be sanctified (1 Thes 4:3), and thus do that which leads to sanctification.