Pride and self-sufficiency
go hand in hand. This deadly combination was evident in King Belshazzar’s life
(Daniel 5). In brazen defiance, the wicked king blasphemes the Most High God.
His arrogance is met with swift judgement. Join with your church family as we
plead with God to work in us and through us!
Pastor Nate
Prayer Guide: May 13,
2018 – Daniel 5
1. Praise God for His
sovereignty and superiority over everything. Confess His is worthiness to be
praised and revered.
2. Repent of personal
pride and delusions of self-sufficiency.
3. Ask God to help you
respond positively to his gracious discipline and merciful warnings.
4. Pray for grace to
recognize the foolishness of turning to anyone or anything other than God in
moments of despair and crisis.
5. Ask God to give the
members at Trinity Baptist Church hearts to invest in and invite people to
Trinity Baptist Church for the sake of the gospel.
6. Plead with God to
do His work of salvation and sanctification amongst us.