This Sunday morning, we will finish our series through Philippian 4:4-9. As we continue to make our way through the sanctified list of virtues in v.8, pray that God will give us grace to discipline ourselves to consider such things. Also, pray that our meditation on such things would lead to our practice of godliness for the glory of God and the good of His people.
Prayer Guide: May 12, 2019 – Philippians 4:8-9
1. Spend time worshipping Jesus, the One who is true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, commendable, excellent and praiseworthy.
2. Thank God for the grace and peace that He has given freely through faith in Jesus.
3. Ask God for a whole-hearted love and devotion for Him.
4. Confess to God that too often you fail to reflect on His character. Ask Him for grace to meditate on His glory and long for His will and His ways.
5. Ask God to help you to live consistently with what you profess to believe about who He is.
6. Pray for people you know who are struggling with anxiety and depression. Ask God for wisdom to know how you might be an encouragement to those people.
7. Ask God’s Spirit to give you a passion to reach others with the good news of the gospel. Plead with God to do His work of salvation in and through the people of Trinity Baptist Church.