For the next 7 weeks we will be camping out at the cross and studying Jesus’ dying words. The very instruments on which He would suffer and die becomes the pulpit from which He reveals His heart. This week, we will give attention to the first word – a prayer – Father, forgive them for they know not what they are doing. Please join with your church family as we humble ourselves before God and ask Him to give us a heart like His.
Prayer Guide: March 3, 2019 – Luke 23:34
1. Spend time thanking God the cross, for loving even His enemies, and for the forgiveness of sin.
2. Ask God for a heart like Jesus’ heart – a heart to pray for and serve others.
3. Confess to God your self-centered agenda and your tendency to hold grudges against those who hurt you.
4. Ask God to give you boldness to reach at least one person with the gospel this year.
5. Ask God for wisdom concerning who you can invite to our Good Friday Musical and our Easter Sunday service.
6. Ask God’s Spirit to make us more like Christ as we gather with the people of God this weekend.
7. Pray that God will glorify Himself by giving spiritual life to spiritually dead hearts this Sunday.