In our last sermon in the Proclaiming Christ series, we turn our attention to Act 13 and to the birth of missions from the church in Antioch. As the church leaders gathered to worship, the Holy Spirit made clear His will to send Barnabas and Paul on a missionary journey. As we study this passage together, we are going to identify several characteristics of people who are committed to evangelism and missions. Please join us as we ask God to give us ears to hear His Word this weekend.
Pastor Nate
Prayer Guide: March 25, 2018 – Acts 13:1-12
1. Spend time thanking God for His matchless worth and perfection. Worship Him as the sovereign God who is above all else.
2. Praise God for His grace in life and salvation. Ask Him to increase your love and devotion to Him and to be more aware of His presence in your life.
3. Confess to Him your struggle to obey and follow His ways. Ask God to make you humble and ready to follow Him more closely.
4. Ask God to make you more sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit and more courageous to follow the Spirit’s guidance.
5. Thank God for His Word. Ask Him for grace and wisdom to understand it more fully and to confidently speak Truth to those who are struggling.
6. Pray for a greater compassion for your lost friends and family members. Ask God to open doors for you to proclaim Christ.