Jesus’ fourth word from the cross is found in Matthew 27:46. In His anguish and pain, Jesus senses the weight of God’s wrath on sin and cries out, “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?” The eternal Son of God experiences isolation for the sake of our restoration. What love! As we focus in on the Jesus’ anguish, join with us in praying that we would understand the seriousness of sin and the magnificence of God’s great love.
Prayer Guide: March 24, 2019 – Matthew 27:46
1. Give praise to the One who died and rose again in order to save us from God’s wrath!
2. Praise God that because Jesus endured abandonment from God, all those who are found in Jesus will never be abandoned.
3. Confess to God your struggle to love what is righteous and to hate what is evil. Ask God for grace to love Him more than sin.
4. Pray for wisdom and energy to invest into Christian relationships for the sake of encouragement, accountability, and genuine community.
5. Ask God to help you more fully comprehend the magnificent love of God and to be more secure in your relationship with Him.
6. Pray that God will glorify Himself by giving spiritual life to spiritually dead hearts this Sunday.
7. Pray that each of our members would be committed to reaching at least one person with the gospel in 2019.