Prayer Guide: March 11, 2018 – Acts 8:26-40

Posted By: Nate Magloughlin - 3/7/2018 3:00:00 PM

Philip is a great example of someone who is ready and willing to proclaim Christ and live on mission. In Acts 8:26-40, Philip responds obediently to God’s leading and finds himself in a position to lead an Ethiopian man to faith in Jesus. In God’s wisdom and grace, He orchestrates this meeting between Philip and the Ethiopian. Because Philip understood his servant identity and embraced his commissioning and empowering, a man was gloriously saved from the wrath of God. Please join with your church family this week in prayer, asking God to help you be sensitive to His prompting and faithful to proclaim Christ.

Pastor Nate

Prayer Guide: March 11, 2018 – Acts 8:26-40

1. Worship the everlasting God who is both infinitely majestic and actively involved in our lives for our good.

2. Praise God for His Spirit and His Word. Give thanks to God that He does not leave us to our own wisdom but has revealed Himself and His ways.

3. Ask God to help you to be sensitive to His promptings in life. Confess to Him that too often you live in selfish stubbornness rather than selfless submission.

4. Pray that God would give you grace to more fully embrace your servant identity and His commission on your life.

5. Pray for courage, boldness and discipline when it comes to engaging in personal evangelism. Ask God to remind you of your need of His Spirit.

6. Pray for people you know who are apart from faith in Jesus. Ask the Spirit to open their eyes to the truth of the gospel.

7. Ask God to do His work of salvation and sanctification this week at TBC!