Opposition to Jesus comes in many different forms and from many different faces. In Matthew 22:14-46, we see four encounters with Jesus that highlight the growing opposition against Him. As Jesus responds, we will see several implications for us as we live as His followers. Please join with your church family as we prepare ourselves for Sunday!
Prayer Guide: June 28, 2020 – Matthew 22:14-46
1. Pray that God would open your heart to hear from Him this Sunday morning. Ask God’s Spirit to do a new and powerful work in you as you humble yourself before Him.
2. Ask God to help you more fully surrender your life for His glory. Ask Him for grace to live faithfully before Him in your actions, words, decisions and thoughts.
3. Pray for wisdom and willingness to actively love your neighbor as yourself.
4. Pray for friends and acquaintances in your life who are apart from faith in Jesus and still dead in their sin. Ask God to give them eyes to see their need for Jesus and faith to believe that He is the Messiah of God in whose name there is salvation.
5. Pray for our city, state, nation and world. Pray for a grand movement of God’s Spirit to give spiritual life, the fruit of the Spirit, and peace during these anxious times.
6. Pray for Police officers. Ask God to protect our Law Enforcement Officers and to give them wisdom during the intense situations that they are facing.
7. Plead with God that Christians would have the mind of Christ (Phil 2). That we would not look only to our own interests, but to the interests of others.
8. Pray that members of Trinity Baptist Church would take seriously the call to be salt and light (Matt 5) in this dark and broken world.