Receiving an invitation can be an exciting proposition. Whether it is a birthday party, a dinner party, or a wedding ceremony, receiving an invitation often means that that the host both appreciates and values you. While we may need to turn down some offers, some invitations in life are essential. In the parable of the wedding feast, to reject the invitation is to invite judgment upon oneself. In this parable, Jesus is teaching us about God’s gracious invitation and warning us not to reject it. Please join with your church family in prayer this week as we seek the Lord and trust Him with our lives.
Prayer Guide: June 21, 2020 – Matthew 22:1-14
1. Praise the God who is above all, who is perfect in every way, and who is worthy of all glory and honor.
2. Thank Jesus for His submission to the Father, His substitutionary death, and His victory of sin and death. Thank Him for doing everything necessary to prepare for a celebratory wedding feast.
3. Praise God for giving you ears to hear and faith to believe the gospel message. Thank Him for the salvation that is found in Jesus Christ.
4. Ask God for grace to help you to grasp more fully your role to live as an ambassador of Jesus Christ. Pray that God would grant you unique opportunities to share the gospel with others.
5. Plead with God to heal our nation and to give our political leaders wisdom as they consider legislation, reforms, and initiatives meant to help.
6. Pray that God would grant us the peace – not through complacency – but through the application of the gospel in our lives.
7. Pray that members of Trinity Baptist Church would be careful to not let any unwholesome talk come out of our mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen (Eph 4:29).