The 4th Commandment – Remember the Sabbath Day, to Keep it Holy – is both misunderstood and widely marginalized in our culture today. And it’s not just society at large that ignores this commandment, many professing Christians also question the validity of the 4th Commandment as well. This Sunday, we’ll focus our attention on what it means to remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy as followers of Jesus. Please join with your church family in praying that God will do a great work in the life of our church family.
Prayer Guide: June 16, 2019 – Exodus 20:8-11
1. Humble yourself before God by declaring His worth, His authority, and His prefect wisdom.
2. Give thanks to God for securing your salvation through resting in the finished work of Jesus Christ.
3. Ask God to give you wisdom to understand and apply the 4th Commandment in a way that honors and glorifies His name.
4. Confess to God that all too often you struggle to rest in Jesus’ finished work and instead live with the mindset that you must do something to add to or ensure your standing with God.
5. Ask for forgiveness for the times when you have neglected the 4th Commandment and for the times when you’ve judged others concerning the 4th Commandment.
6. Ask God to increase your desire to worship Him as you serve and support Trinity Baptist Church.
7. Please ask God to protect the unity of our church family. Pray that our Thailand 2 missions team would be strengthened by the Holy Spirit to lead singing at the conference. Please pray for Lisa Whatley and her team of VBS leaders and volunteers as they prepare to serve children in Jesus’ name. Pray that God would give our Children’s Minister Search team unity as we continue to seek God’s wisdom to select our next Children’s Minister.
8. Pray that God’s Spirit would move in marvelous and amazing ways in and through us – bringing spiritual and numerical growth to our church family for His glory.