Our world is broken. Events of the last several weeks have made this abundantly clear. And our only hope is not political legislation or other societal reforms. Our hope is the gospel of Jesus Christ. Now, when I say that, I mean that only the gospel can change the sinful human heart, making one alive to God. Only the power of the gospel, which is at work in the follower of Christ, can enable us to love and live like Jesus. Church family, let’s pray that God would work in us. Let’s pray that God would be gracious to community, our city, and our nation.
Prayer Guide: June 14, 2020 – Matthew 21:33-46
1. Humble yourself before God and confess to Him any anxiety and distress you are feeling. Ask Him to re-assure you of His presence and His sovereign rule.
2. Plead with God to cleanse you from all unrighteousness. Confess to Him any sin in your life – whether word, thought, deed, or attitude.
3. Ask God to give you compassion and sensitivity to the plight of others around you. Ask God to strengthen you to love your neighbor, even when it is comes at great cost.
4. Pray for discernment and wisdom to know what to say and when to say it. In our emotionally charged society, pray that we would be people who guard our tongues and our hearts well.
5. Plead with God to heal our nation and to give our political leaders wisdom as they consider legislation, reforms, and initiatives meant to help.
6. Pray that every believer of Jesus Christ that you know, including yourself, would desire to live for God’s glory above anything else.
7. Pray that members of our church would prioritize proclaiming Christ and making disciples.