In what are Jesus’ strongest words of condemnation, in Matthew 23 we see the danger of imitation " />In what are Jesus’ strongest words of condemnation, in Matthew 23 we see the danger of imitation " />

Prayer Guide: July 5, 2020 – Matthew 23:1-36

Posted By: Nate Magloughlin - 7/1/2020 4:00:00 PM

In what are Jesus’ strongest words of condemnation, in Matthew 23 we see the danger of imitation religion. Religion that is characterized by hypocrisy, self-righteousness, and works-based salvation is wretched, for it cannot offer true hope or true salvation. Such religion distracts people from their need for Jesus and encourages people to put confidence in themselves. As we prepare to gather for worship this Sunday, let us focus our attention on God’s great grace and the hope that is found in and through Jesus Christ!

Prayer Guide: July 5, 2020 – Matthew 23:1-36

1. Ask God to graciously open the eyes of sinners to their need of a righteousness that they cannot provide for themselves. Plead with God that people you know who are apart from Jesus will see their sin and call out to Jesus for forgiveness.

2. Pray that every genuine follower of Jesus will be guarded by the grace of God and the power of the Holy Spirit so as not to experience undue guilt and shame upon reading / hearing Matthew 23. 

3. Pray that every genuine follower of Jesus who reads / hears Matthew 23 will take seriously the promptings of the Holy Spirit to confess and repent of sin.

4. Plead with God’s Spirit for grace to live in faithful submission to God’s Word.

5. Pray that the Uniting as One Prayer Service last Sunday evening would lead to the building of sustainable cross-cultural relationships for continued growth in Christ. 

6. Ask God to send His Spirit over our church, community, state, and nation bringing peace and healing.     

7. Ask God to be at work through the faithful witness and Christ-like example of the members of Trinity Baptist Church.