Chapter five begins
with an exhortation to the elders of the church. Amid rising tensions and
difficult suffering, Peter understand the importance of leadership. Thus, he
encourages the church leaders to shepherd the church and to exercise oversight.
Peter calls them to properly motivated, humble, servant-leadership. Please join
with your church family as we pray for our church’s leaders and members.
Prayer Guide: Jan 27,
2019 – 1 Peter 5:1-4
1. Give thanks to
Jesus for suffering and dying in our place in order that we might be reconnected
to God and granted spiritual life.
2. Ask God to give our
ministry staff wisdom as they lead the church in their specific areas of
ministry and in the implementation and fulfillment of our mission statement.
3. Pray for each of
our ministers. Ask God to increase their passion and love for Jesus and for the
4. Ask God to grant
each of our staff members a greater humility and dependence on the Holy Spirit
as they seek to carry out their God given responsibilities.
5. Pray that our
church family would love, support, and follow the leadership of those who are
leading our church.
6. Confess to God any sinful
attitudes or actions that have undermined the leadership of our church in any
way. As the Spirit leads, pray for courage to confess your sin to those you
have sinned against.
7. Plead with God for
grace to live as His servants who are concerned about the lost and carrying out
our mission to proclaim Christ and make disciples.