Two themes are prevalent in Matthew 14:22-33 - the account of Jesus’ walking on the water. First, this text invites us to see Jesus for who He is – the God-Man. Jesus fulfills the OT imagery of the One who has power over the sea; exercises power over nature as He walks on the water; and reveals Himself to His disciples as the I Am. Not only does this text invite us to see Jesus for who He is, it invites us to see our great need to stay focused on and connected to Jesus. The life of a follower of Christ is filled with ups and downs. Our only hope is God’s great grace! Please pray with us this week.
Prayer Guide: Jan 26, 2020 – Matthew 14:22-33
1. Take a few moments to thank God for His gracious provision in your life. He is the God who provides for our all our needs!
2. Ask God to help you listen to and apply His Word in life. Ask Him to increase your passion for reading, meditating on, and memorizing Scripture.
3. Thank God for the things in life that He sends our way that remind us that we are dependent creatures who regularly need His refreshing grace.
4. Confess to God your tendency to neglect seeking Him in prayer. Ask Him to increase your desire for communion with Him.
5. Pray for grace to look to Jesus and to look for Jesus throughout the various circumstances that we face in life.
6. Ask God to protect and increase the unity of Trinity Baptist Church.
7. Thank God for the many people who have visited our church for the first time in the past several weeks. Pray that those considering membership would embrace our mission to proclaim Christ and make disciples.
8. Pray that God would call men, women, boys, and girls to Himself through the witness of the members of Trinity Baptist Church. Ask God for the privilege of seeing many people saved and baptized in the coming months.