Prayer Guide for Sunday, July 21, 2024

Prayer Guide for Sunday, July 21, 2024


Prayer Guide for Sunday, July 21

Posted By: Kelly Caldwell - 7/16/2024 3:41:12 PM

Prayer Guide for Sunday, July 21, 2024


1. Praise the God who is all-knowing and all-wise. Praise Him whose judgments are perfect and whose compassion is abundant.


2. Ask God to grow our church family in love and unity.


3. Pray that our church would be characterized by godly discernment so that we may approve of what God loves and reject what God hates.


4. Pray for our VBS. Ask God to move mightily through our leaders and volunteers. Pray that gospel seeds will be planted and that many kids will come to faith in Jesus. Pray that many families will being attending TBC because of their involvement in VBS.


5. Pray for our team preparing to travel to Peru. Ask God to do a work in and through them that magnifies the name of Jesus and builds the church in Peru.