Prayer Guide for Sunday, December 18, 2022

Posted By: Kelly Caldwell - 12/15/2022 5:02:13 PM

Prayer Guide: December 18, 2022

  1. Praise the God who authored and accomplished our salvation.
  2. Confess your struggle with loving the things of this world. Ask God to purify your passions and pursuits.
  3. Thank God for His merciful discipline in your life. Pray for grace to grow in faith and obedience through His admonishments in your life.
  4. Ask God’s Spirit to give you eyes to see and a heart to rejoice in response to God’s faithfulness.
  5. Praise God that His salvation is not merely physical and temporal, but spiritual and eternal.
  6. Ask God to be gracious to those who are suffering, especially those who are suffering during this holiday season.
  7. Ask God to burden your heart as to who to invite to church this Christmas Eve/Christmas. Pray that those who have been visiting our church in recent weeks and months would find TBC to be a great church home.
  8. Pray that God would increases our generosity as we seek to make budget this year and as we seek to meet a $200,000 March for Missions goal.