Because of who H" />Because of who H" />

Prayer Guide: February 23, 2020 – Matthew 16:1-12

Posted By: Nate Magloughlin - 2/19/2020 5:00:00 PM

Because of who He is, it’s important that we hear and embrace what Jesus has to say. Unfortunately, all too often, we become distracted and run the risk of missing what God is trying to communicate to us. Matthew 16:1-12 records two episodes where two vastly different groups of people failed to track with Jesus. Let’s join together in prayer, asking God to make clear His will and His ways to us.

Prayer Guide: February 23, 2020 – Matthew 16:1-12

1. Praise the God who graciously makes Himself known to His creation. 

2. Ask God for grace to better discipline yourself to read, meditate on, and memorize His Word. 

3. Confess to God your propensity to become distracted and preoccupied with the things of the world.

4. Pray that God would make you humble so that you would depend on Him more fully. 

5. Ask God to rid you of any self-righteous tendencies making you blind or dull to spiritual Truth.

6. Pray for wisdom to both see your current circumstances from God’s perspective and to respond in a way that shows love for God and others. 

7. Pray that our church family will be faithful to proclaim Christ in the various contexts we find ourselves in each day. 

8. Pray that God would do His work of salvation and sanctification in and through our church family.