Prayer Guide: Feb 9, 2020 – Matthew 15:1-20

Posted By: Nate Magloughlin - 2/6/2020 12:00:00 PM

Matthew 15:1-20 records Jesus’ bold words directed at the Pharisees and the Scribes. Jesus’ response to these religious leaders ought to cause us to reflect on our own understanding of what it means to be right with God. Please join with your church family as we ask God to help us know Him and live for Him.

Prayer Guide: Feb 9, 2020 – Matthew 15:1-20

1. Spend time praising our Great and Gracious God who has cleansed us from all unrighteousness in Jesus Christ. Give Him thanks that He does not hold our sins against us.

2. Confess to God your on-going struggle against the flesh and your desire to walk with the Spirit.

3. Ask God’s Spirit to continue to purify your heart so that your greatest loyalty and devotion is to Jesus.

4. Pray for wisdom and grace to clearly communicate the gospel to people in your life who are still dead in their trespasses and sins.

5. Pray that God would increase our love for His people at Trinity Baptist Church and that we would be committed to stewarding all that He has entrusted to us (spiritual gifts, time, energy, money) for His glory and the good of His people.

6. Plead with God to do His work of salvation in our midst…to open the eyes of the spiritually blind and give spiritual life to spiritually dead people.