We continue with the
theme of humility this week as we study 1 Peter 5:6-7. Because God opposes the proud
but gives grace to the humble, it makes sense that we humble ourselves before
God. And when we do humble ourselves before God, we are humbling ourselves before
the All-Powerful Creator who cares deeply for us. The One, True, and Living God
invites us to cast our burdens to Him! Why wouldn’t we take Him up on His offer?
Prayer Guide: Feb 10,
2019 – 1 Peter 5:6-7
1. Take a few moments
to confess to God that He deserves all glory, honor, and praise. Worship Him as
the One who is both all-powerful and merciful, caring for our every need.
2. Give thanks to God
for His promise to exalt those who have humbled themselves before Him.
3. Ask God to help you
live faithfully before Him no matter what the circumstance.
4. Ask for grace to live
in humility with regards to both Christians and non-Christians.
5. Thank God for the privilege
to approach Him in prayer and to cast your anxieties to Him.
6. Pray that God’s
Spirit would move in us and through us so that we would be transformed and that
souls would be saved.