On this Sunday following Thanksgiving Day, we want to take a few moments to recognize God’s blessings in our lives. We hope that you enjoyed your holiday and were encouraged with friends and family. As we continue our study in Matthew’s Gospel, we come to the Parable of the Sower. Let’s pray that we would have ears to hear and respond in faith and obedience to Jesus.
Prayer Guide: Dec 1, 2019 – Matthew 12:1-23
1. Take some time this morning to thank God for His gracious provision in your life. Be reminded that every good and perfect gift is from Him.
2. Spend some time asking God to increase your desire to read and meditate on His Word.
3. Pray that God would give you ears to hear all that He has for us and that we would be people who embrace and apply God’s Word in order to bear fruit.
4. Ask God for grace in the midst of difficulty and trial. Pray for endurance and a continued trust in Him.
5. Confess to God the temptation to live with divided affections. Ask Him to purify your heart.
6. Pray that the things of the world would become less attractive in your eyes and that you would grow in your love for God and for holiness.
7. Ask God to give you a passion to sow the seed of the gospel – to proclaim Christ to those in your life who are apart from faith in Him.
8. Ask God to continue to bring salvation to the lost through the ministry and witness of Trinity Baptist Church.
9. Pray for the Nominating Committee as they continue seeking the Lord and working to fill various ministry teams that serve our church in a variety of capacities.
10. Pray that God would help every member of our church to understand the importance of faithfully stewarding the resources that God has entrusted to them. Pray that our people would given generously to support the ministries and expenses of the church and to the March for Missions Offering.