Continuing in our Walking with Jesus series, this Sunday (August 25), we’ll see Jesus laying out some expectations of discipleship. Jesus’ responses to 2 would-be disciples will perhaps challenge our understanding of what following Jesus involves. Please join with your church family as we pray for God’s gracious blessing over our worship services this weekend.
Prayer Guide: August 25, 2019 – Matthew 8:18-27
1. Spend some time praising and thanking Jesus for bearing the cross that we deserved for our sin. Worship the God of salvation who has done everything necessary in order to provide salvation for those who trust in Jesus.
2. Confess to God the sin of idolatry – how at times we long for the comforts and things of this world more than that we long for Him.
3. Ask God for grace to prioritize Him over the things of this world.
4. Pray for courage to say “no” to that which distracts us from finding our greatest joy in faithfulness to Jesus.
5. Give thanks to God for His faithfulness and provision in life. Ask Him to strengthen our faith so that even during difficult times, our lives will give testimony to God’s goodness.
6. Ask God to soften our hearts make us quick to submit to His authority.
7. Pray that God’s will increase our church’s passion for His glory and that we will experience a genuine movement of God whereby we are characterized by repentance, joy, and growth.
8. Pray for people who have been and will be visiting our church family over the course of the next several weeks as the new school year begins. Pray that our church family will be intentional about connecting with new people and helping them to feel welcome. Pray that many new people will make TBC their church home.