Prayer Guide: August 16, 2020 – Matthew 26:6-16

Posted By: Nate Magloughlin - 8/12/2020 12:00:00 PM

As Mary anoints Jesus with expensive ointment, the disciples become indignant. While they see Mary’s act as a waste of money (money that could have been used to help the poor), Jesus calls it a beautiful thing. In fact, in His defense of Marry, Jesus rebukes the disciples for their lack of perception. Matthew 26:6-16 records the love and devotion that a follower of Jesus ought to have for the Savior! Please join with your church family as we prepare our hearts to gather for worship this Sunday.

Prayer Guide: August 16, 2020 – Matthew 26:6-16

1. Praise the God whose sacrificial love is the basis for our salvation and hope.  

2. Thank God for His gracious and efficacious defense of His own.

3. Confess to God your struggle to live your faith and devotion to Him with consistency. Ask for forgiveness and the discipline and desire to be faithful.

4. Pray for godly wisdom to discern the times. Ask God for grace to recognize the Spirit’s promptings in your life. 

5. Ask God to keep you from any distraction and deception that would interfere with your walk with God and witness for Jesus.

6. Pray for God’s protection on both the unity of our church family and the physical health of our church family.       

7. Ask God to make you faithful to proclaim Christ and make disciples. 

8. Plead with God to provide for us the right person to lead our Children’s Ministry (as Michelle Rose and her husband Wesley will be moving to Fort Worth in September).