Forgiveness Matters! As we continue in Matthew 18, we see that forgiveness is an essential practice amongst God’s people. Join us as we prepare our hearts to worship the Lord on this coming Lord’s Day – Resurrection Sunday!
Prayer Guide: April 12, 2020 – Matthew 18:21-35
1. Praise the Risen Lord Jesus, the Righteous One, the Author of Life! Thank Him for His atoning sacrifice that secures our forever salvation.
2. Ask God to give you a heart of forgiveness and love.
3. Pray for “at risk” relationships in your life. Ask God to bring about restoration and peace.
4. Pray for Derek and Meredith Hall and their family. Ask God to heal Hudson of the Leukemia. Pray that Hudson’s doctors would have wisdom to treat this cancer the best way possible. Pray for Ben and Mabry to be guarded by God’s grace during this difficult time. Ask God to shower His love, grace, wisdom and mercy on Derek and Meredith as they love each other and their family and navigate situations that they never intended to be in.
5. Pray for our government (Local, State, and Federal). Ask God to give our leaders wisdom to make the best decisions for the common good.
6. Pray for medical personnel and those involved in testing and developing medications to help fight the coronavirus.
7. Ask God to do an amazing work through the proclamation of the gospel by thousands of preachers who have turned to online worship services. May the gospel go to people and places that it would not have gone otherwise. May sinners behold the Resurrected Messiah and cry out to Him in humble submission.