The Fruit of the Spirit is Faithfulness. This Sunday, we will focus on faithfulness as we continue in our study of the Fruit of the Spirit. Faithfulness is what God desires (requires) of His servants. A faithful person is someone who can be counted on to do both what is expected and what is right. As with all the fruit of the Spirit, we must depend on God’s grace and God’s Spirit, and pursue faithfulness ourselves, if we are to see growth in this area. To that end, join with you church family as we pray and seek God’s grace in our lives.
Prayer Guide: December 6, 2020 – Gal 5:22-23 / Ps 31:23-24
1. Praise God that He is faithful, that His mercies are new every morning, and that He always keeps His promises.
2. Worship the God who sustains those who are faithful.
3. Confess to God your struggle to live faithfully for His glory. Ask God to help you to seek His will and His ways.
4. Ask God to make you faithful in every arena of your life – in your personal life, in your family, in your friendship, and in your workplace.
5. Ask God to put it on each of our hearts to give generously to support the ministry and expenses of the church as well as March for Missions Offering.
6. Ask God to be gracious to our community and to our church family. Pray that people would develop wise personal habits and use wisdom in their interactions so as not to spread the COVID-19 virus. Ask God to protect and strengthen our health care workers.
7. Pray for our country. Pray for an undeniable movement of the Holy Spirit that results in the lost being saved and the saved desiring to live righteously.