Serving in Thailand has changed the way I live on missions in everyday life. The biggest way was God opening my eyes" />Serving in Thailand has changed the way I live on missions in everyday life. The biggest way was God opening my eyes" />

Stories of Proclaiming Christ

Posted By: Tara Cruse - 8/23/2018 8:00:00 AM

Serving in Thailand has changed the way I live on missions in everyday life. The biggest way was God opening my eyes to the creation story while we were there and making it so real and alive. Chiang Mai is a beautiful place, and my favorite sight that I cannot shake from my mind was from our last day, serving in the garden at the school. Some of the men from the village had cut down bamboo, stripped it, and made it into stakes, planter boxes, borders and rows for the garden bed.  It was so obvious that a plant had to have been designed and created to be so useful for humans. And that was just one plant! Think of all the other kinds of plants, animals, and even the way our own bodies function every day. The detail behind it all is mind blowing.

In America it is sometimes difficult to plainly see the creation story, in my opinion.  We have so many “man-made” things, and we give all the glory to man for making all we have. I have been motivated by what God has shown me in Thailand to start incorporating the creation story, and how real God the Creator is, into my every day life. It is something people can sit and think on – about how abundant and useful the things from the earth are to us. It all had to have been planned and created. Just like the song “So Will I” by Hillsong United says, “If creation still obeys you so will I.” The sun still rises and sets just like it was told to do so. It has been something I love to share now here in the states and challenge others and myself to think about more often. It leads into gospel conversations more naturally and makes the truth of it so much more obvious.

                                                                             ~ Bailey Luke