Prayer Guide Sunday, September 1, 2024

  1. Prais" />Prayer Guide Sunday, September 1, 2024

    1. Prais" />
      SUNDAY WORSHIP - 8:30 & 11AM

      Prayer Guide for Sunday, September 1

      Posted By: Kelly Caldwell - 8/28/2024 2:10:16 PM

      Prayer Guide Sunday, September 1, 2024

      1. Praise the God who has redeemed His rebellious people.
      2. Thank Jesus for humbling Himself to the point of death on the cross and dying in the place of sinners.
      3. Pray for grace to follow God’s lead and to walk by the Spirit.
      4. Ask God for a greater passion to live in holiness and pursue righteousness.
      5. Pray for our Deacon Ministry. Pray for Dustin Silhan and Kyle Watson (Chair and Vice-Chair) as they lead in a new year of ministry.
      6. Pray that our church members would engage in gospel-centered conversations in the community as well as be faithful to invite others to church.