Prayer Guide for Sunday, July 28, 2024

Prayer Guide for Sunday, July 28, 2024


Prayer Guide for Sunday, July 28

Posted By: Kelly Caldwell - 7/23/2024 11:29:50 AM

Prayer Guide for Sunday, July 28, 2024


  1. Praise God that He is patient with us in our failings and gracious toward us in calling us back to holiness and to Himself.
  2. Give thanks to the One who alone can resurrect the spiritually dead and strengthen us in our weakness.
  3. Pray for God to arouse His sleepy church to action in pushing back darkness and pursuing the lost with the gospel of Jesus.
  4. Pray that TBC would be known as a church that is committed to walking with Jesus in faithfulness and fleeing the seduction of sin.
  5. Ask God to bless the efforts of a week of VBS where dozens of volunteers poured God’s love and truth into the lives of many children from our church and community. Pray that the seeds planted will bear kingdom fruit.
  6. Pray for our mission team serving in Peru to be filled and guided by the Holy Spirit as they encourage, teach, and love many pastors, pastor’s wives, and children in Chiclayo, Peru.