Prayer Guide: August 25, 2024

Prayer Guide: August 25, 2024


Prayer Guide for Sunday, August 25

Posted By: Kelly Caldwell - 8/21/2024 12:29:40 PM

Prayer Guide: August 25, 2024


1. Praise the God who has humbled Himself to serve His people!


2. Thank God for your righteous standing before God through faith in Jesus.


3. Ask God to give you a servant’s heart.


4. Pray for our Music Ministry. Thank God for those He has raised up to serve. Pray that the rearranged praise teams would quickly gel, and that the choir would get off to a great start. Pray that all our volunteers would have hearts to lead others in worship.


5. Pray that many families would visit TBC and make strong connections with our church. Ask God to increase our numbers to the point where it’s obvious that we need to transition back to two services.