Daily, people are put into positions where they must make sense of the data they observe. Whether it is relationships or circumstances, the wise and discerning will prayerfully seek the Lord to gain comprehension. As we have been walking with Jesus, we have seen his power and authority. We have seen his tenderness and compassion. We have seen both positive and negative reaction to Jesus’ ministry and His claims. We have seen Him betrayed with a kiss. In Matthew 27:24-66, we will see Jesus crucified. This Sunday morning, we will focus our attention on making sense of the Cross of Christ. Join us in prayer as we plead with God for grace!
Prayer Guide: September 20, 2020 – Matthew 27:27-66
1. Thank God for His grace and mercy in sending Jesus, the Savior that we so desperately need.
2. Confess to God your propensity to sin and rebel against His will and His ways. Humble yourself and admit that you are deserving of God’s wrath. Praise Jesus for His finished work - how He took your sin and shame and drank the fullness of God’s wrath on your behalf.
3. Thank God that He is a faithful, just, and promise keeping God.
4. Praise God for His great love. Ask Him to make you more like Jesus in the way that you love others!
5. Pray for courage and faithfulness to proclaim the gospel, the message of God’s love for sinners. Ask God to use you this week to share the good news with someone who is apart from faith in Christ.
6. Ask God to increase the ministry and reach of Trinity Baptist Church so that more and more people would be discipled in Jesus’ name.