As we move towards the end of October and the end of the year, we continue to walk with Jesus through Matthew’s Gospel. John the Baptist sends a delegation of his disciples to Jesus to ask a question that we may find a bit surprising. And while we may find John’s doubts a bit surprising, it seems that most followers of Christ will go through periods of doubt and questioning during their lives. Doubt is not the same as disbelief. May God humble us and cause us to pursue Him, especially in seasons of doubt.
Prayer Guide: Oct 27, 2019 – Matthew 11:2-24
1. Spend time worshipping Jesus, the Messiah in whom there is reconciliation with God and the hope of eternal life.
2. That God for His grace to the humble and His patience with sinners.
3. Confess to God your struggle to doubt His promises and to live in fear.
4. Pray for greater faith to believe God’s promises and to live in dependence on and obedience to Him. Pray for people you know who are struggling with either the assurance of salvation or with simply believing the promises of God.
5. Repent of persistent sin in your life that is hindering you from experiencing God’s joy and peace.
6. Pray for people you know that are rejecting the gospel – rejecting Jesus – in disbelief. Ask God to give you opportunity to proclaim Christ to them.
7. Ask God’s Spirit to so work in your life so that you would bear fruit in keeping with repentance.
8. Ask God to take away your desires for that which is sinful and dishonoring to Him. Plead with Him to give you a passion for His glory and His righteousness.
9. Pray that our church would continue to bear fruit associated with the Thirst Conference.
10. Pray for the Student Ministry’s Candy and Conversations Outreach on 10/31. Ask God to work through our students to shine the light of the gospel.
11. Pray for our Nominating Committee as they are in the process of prayerfully discerning people to approach to serve on various committees and ministry teams in our church.
12. As we enter the last few months of the year with a budget deficit, please pray that God would put it on the hearts of His people to give to support the ministries and expenses of the church.